A college education is one of the major expenses that you will undertake in your lifetime and paying for college requires both planning and preparation. When paying for college, here is what you must consider to better facilitate this process:
You need to understand how much attending college will actually cost. Checking to see if you qualify for in-state tuition, the price of books and supplies, and understanding how many credit hours you can realistically take each semester will help you make informed decisions about your academic journey.
Below is a series of useful tips and strategies to be able to pay for your tuition at SLCC:
Note: Some of the information listed links to external websites and organizations that are not affiliated with SLCC – but provide good insights for prospective and current college students.
Understand your colleges scholarship opportunities offered each semester. Visit Scholarship Universe to find out what scholarship opportunities you can apply for. Login using your MySLCC username and password, answer the eligibility questions, review your matches, and apply by the deadline.
You can pin scholarships you want to apply for at a later time, and you can unmatch with scholarships that you are certain you are not eligible for (it happens!)
The SLCC Dream Center creates a monthly list of scholarships that are open to undocumented (with and without DACA), asylum-seeking, TPS, and international students. The scholarships are posted on the Dream Centers Instagram (@slccdreamcenter) and sent out on our monthly Dreamers & Allies newsletter. You can sign up for our newsletter on our Welcome page.
Once you prepare a draft of your scholarship essay, you can submit a request to the Writing & Rhetoric Fellow, Tracy Fraatz, to proofread your written work. We encourage you to take advantage of this service because a stronger essay increases your chances of receiving a scholarship.
If you dont qualify for in-state tuition, you can take SLCC classes during the summer term. All students, regardless of residency status, pay resident tuition and fees during the Summer.
All students are welcome to participate in the Tuition Payment Plan program as a way to spread their tuition payments throughout the semester. The Tuition Payment Plan does not reduce your financial obligation to the College, but it does offer an alternative to making a single large tuition payment. There is a $30 application fee to participate in Tuition Payment Plan.
To enroll, click on the SLCCPay+ button located on the dashboard of your MySLCC account after you have registered for classes.
While undocumented students (with and without DACA) are not eligible to apply for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), there are several immigrant populations that are able to submit an application to be considered for funding. You qualify to apply for the FAFSA, if you have been granted the following:
The official U.S. government website to apply for free is fafsa.gov and studentaid.gov. You should never be charged to apply.
Schedule a virtual/in-person appointment for help on completing the FAFSA here.
If you are a U.S. citizen but one or both of your parents are undocumented, you can still apply for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Your parents citizenship status doesnt affect your eligibility for aid.
If you are having issues with any of the above steps, feel free to reach out to the Dream Center to make an appointment for 1-on-1 support.
The financial aid office at Salt Lake Community has teamed up with Inceptia to provide financial education via their online program, Financial Avenue. Financial Avenue provides many different courses such as:
For more information and to access these online courses, visit the Financial Literacy webpage.
The National Endowment for Financial Education published 40 money management tips every college student should know. This educational brochure provides important considerations on topics like applying for the FAFSA, understanding student loans, budgeting, setting financial goals and many more. Although not all the information may be applicable, we think many of the tips shared are crucial for students to learn, regardless of their status or what they have access to.
In addition, there are resources that are tailored to the financial needs of immigrant communities: