Banking Regulation Act, 1949

Red Book

Banking Regulation act, 1949 regulates commercial banking in India.

The Act gives power to RBI in licensing of banks, voting rights of shareholders, appointment of boards and management. RBI also conducts the audits, mergers, gives liquidation directives to banks and imposing penalties.

It was amended in 1965 to bring cooperative societies under its preview but not all provision are applicable to them as they do on commercial banks.

Banking related function of cooperative societies are undertaken by RBI whereas management related functions are carried out by the centre and states together.

Issue: Co-operative banks provide banking facilities to people of small means. However, absence of regulatory oversight by RBI on par with commercial banks has lead to poor performance of co-operative banks. For example, Punjab & Maharashtra Cooperative Bank scam.

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Banking Regulation Amendment Act, 2020: Issues

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