Ministry Health URL Address 151 BLOOR STREET WEST, 9TH FLOOR
M5S1S4 Phone (416) 327-8512 Fax (416) 327-8524 Background Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Appeal and Review Boards Act, 1998, S.O. 1998, c. 18, Sched. H, Part I (opens a new window) Function
The Health Professions Appeal and Review Board is an independent adjudicative and regulatory tribunal created by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Appeal and Review Boards Act, 1998 to provide oversight to the regulated health professions and veterinarians of Ontario. Under the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 (RHPA) and the Veterinarians Act, 1990 the Board functions as a quasi-judicial adjudicative and regulatory tribunal with jurisdiction respecting the regulatory activities of twenty-four health professional Colleges governing twenty-six regulated health professions (human and animal), three transitional Councils which will regulate three health professions under the RHPA and the practice privilege decisions of 155 public hospitals. The Board reviews decisions of health professional colleges respecting the conduct of health professionals; holds hearings and reviews of applications for both entry into the health professions and conditions on professional practice; holds hearings or reviews of applications for accreditation with respect to veterinary and pharmacies facilities; and hears appeals from the decisions of hospital boards of directors respecting hospital admitting and practice privileges of physicians.
The Lieutenant Governor in Council appoints at least twelve members and designates one member as chair and two members as vice-chairs. The chair may from time to time designate additional members to be vice-chairs. Board members cannot be or ever have been a member of any of the regulated health Colleges.
Members are appointed for two, three or five years.
Meetings Appeals, reviews and hearings are held in Ontario. Remuneration