Subletting vs Subleasing: What Is the Difference?

Even real estate professionals get these terms confused, so it’s essential to learn about this topic from trusted sources. Luckily, we have years of experience and are here to explain the difference between subletting vs subleasing.

In this post, we’ll define each term, give examples of how they work, and discuss their pros and cons. Keep reading to learn more!

What Is a Sublet?

A sublet is a rental agreement where an existing tenant finds a new tenant that the landlord can lease the property to. In most sublets, the original tenant is moving out and leaving the property. However, there are cases where the original lessee plans on returning and continuing their lease.

In a sublet, the landlord enters into an entirely new contractual relationship with the new renter. The new renter pays rent money to the landlord and is legally responsible for fulfilling the lease terms.

Example of a Sublet

Say that Marcus is renting an apartment in New York. He signed a one-year lease and has lived in the property for the past six months.

One day, Marcus gets promoted at his job and has to move out of state. He wants to avoid breaking his lease but can’t afford to pay for two leases plus moving costs.

As a solution, Marcus decides to sublet his apartment to a new tenant. He reaches out to his friend, Warren, who agrees to take over the lease.

Warren enters into a new contract with the landlord of the apartment. Marcus moves to a new state, Warren gets a new place, and the landlord does not have to worry about finding a new tenant.

What Is a Sublease?

A sublease is a rental agreement where an existing tenant leases a rental property to a new tenant. In a sublease, the original tenant creates an entirely new rental agreement with the subtenant. They can either rent out a portion of the property or the entire property.

Either way, the sublease agreement does not nullify the original lease agreement that the tenant signed with the landlord. The first tenant must continue to pay rent and fulfill all terms of the original lease. When that lease expires, so does the new rental lease with the subtenant.

Example of a Sublease

Say that Veronica just moved into a two-bedroom apartment. She loves her new space but isn’t using the extra bedroom as much as she had anticipated.

Veronica feels she is wasting money by paying for the extra room, so she decides to sublease it. First, she checks the terms of her existing lease and gets the landlord’s consent.

Then, she asks her friend Anise if she wants to rent the extra room in her apartment. Anise agrees, and the two create a new lease where Anise pays a monthly rent to Veronica.

In this case, Veronica makes extra cash collecting rent, and Anise gets a place to live.

Sublet vs. Sublease: What Are the Key Differences?

Many people think that the terms “sublet” and “sublease” have the same meaning, but this is not the case. Let’s discuss the crucial differences between how these types of lease agreements work.

Landlord Involvement

In a sublet, the new tenant has direct contact with the landlord. This type of rental agreement requires that the tenant signs an entirely new lease with the property owner.

In a sublease, the new tenant does not have direct contact with the landlord, nor are they in a contractual relationship. The person who acts as the new renter’s landlord is the original tenant.

Original Lease

In a subletting agreement, the rental lease with the original tenant is terminated. The tenant no longer has to pay rent or follow the terms of their initial lease.

In a sublease contract, the original lease still exists. The original tenant must continue paying rent and fulfilling all the terms until the lease ends.


In a sublet, the new renter makes rent payments to the property owner.

In a sublease, the new renter makes payments to the original renter, while the original renter makes payments to the property owner.

Tenant Responsibility

In a sublet, the new tenant is responsible for the property and any damages that may incur.

In a sublease, the original tenant is responsible for the rental property. If the new lessee damages the property, the first tenant will carry the legal financial and legal responsibility.

See our table for a breakdown of the differences between a sublet vs. sublease:

Pros and Cons of Subletting and Subleasing

Real estate professionals must know the advantages and disadvantages of subletting vs. subletting. Let’s discuss some of the pros and cons of each lease type.

Pros and Cons of a Sublet Agreement

​​Subletting appeals to tenants because it allows them to end their lease early or pause it for a while. They can do so without hurting their credit score, incurring fees, or getting a bad reputation as a renter. In a sublet, the property is not left vacant and is less likely to be burglarized.

One drawback to subletting for tenants is that it can be challenging to find a new renter to take over the lease. Even if they find one, there is always the chance that the subtenant will break their lease or damage the property.

For landlords, a sublet is appealing because the tenant does not leave them high and dry. The landlord continues to collect rent from the new tenant, and the property is not left vacant.

However, the downside to subletting for landlords is that the new renter may not be as reliable as the first. The landlord should always screen the subtenant to ensure they have a good reputation.


Pros of Subletting
Cons of Subletting


Pros of Subletting
Cons of Subletting

Pros and Cons of a Sublease Agreement

A sublease appeals to tenants who have extra space in their apartment and want to make extra money. In a sublease, the original tenant can collect rent from the subtenant and continue living in their space. They also have the option to move away from the property while subleasing it to the new renter.

The downside of subleasing for tenants is that they are still accountable for their initial lease. Even if they vacate the property, they must continue paying rent to the landlord. Another issue is that the first tenant is responsible if the subtenant makes late rent payments or damages the property.


Pros of Subleasing