Planning Updates and Documents


A planning application has been submitted to Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council. The submission was validated on March 9th 2023 and is currently in review.

Planning Summary

P/23/0065 | Outline application for erection of a mixed leisure development comprising Indoor Snow Centre (up to 39,200 sq m), Water park (up to 7,500 sq m), Indoor Activity Centre (up to 9,000 sq m), Outdoor Activity Centre, Hotel Accommodation (up to 418 bedrooms), Woodland Lodge accommodation (up to 30 units), car parking (up to 830 spaces) and associated earthworks, access, drainage, servicing and utilities connections/infrastructure | Land To The South West Of The A470/A4102 Roundabut At Rhydycar West Merthyr Tydfil

Submitted documents

Planning reports and documents are available from Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Couincil planning portal.