FedACH ® Services Forms

Use the links below to access the forms and agreements you will need to set up or use Federal Reserve Financial Services.

Service and Access Setup provides more details and guidance on the steps required to begin using a new service or to modify current services or access.

If you are unable to locate the form you seek, Contact provides a comprehensive list of service and support contacts who can assist you.

Table of Contents

FedACH Services Participation Agreement

FedACH Services Participation Agreement

Number Form Links
ACH-Instructions FedACH Services Participation Agreement
This new FedACH Participation Agreement is effective as of March 3, 2017. Existing agreements currently in place with the Federal Reserve Banks will remain effective regardless of this change, and new agreements will not need to be re-submitted.
Before a financial institution begins to originate or receive FedACH items through the Federal Reserve Banks, a FedACH Participation Agreement must be completed and signed by an authorized individual at the institution. If a financial institution has updates to an existing agreement, only applicable portions should be completed and signed. The Agreement gives the Federal Reserve Banks authorization to direct items and settlement for FedACH participants.
Instructions (PDF)
IAT Output Sort Sign Up Instructions

Part 1 - Agreement to Terms and General Participant Information

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ACH-01 Part 1 - Agreement to Terms and General Participant Information
This part is used to update your institution's name, published phone number, Payments Association affiliation and address.
Form (PDF)

Part 2 - Origination Options

Number Form Links
ACH-Instructions Need help choosing an Origination table? Instructions (PDF)
ACH-02, S.1 Table S.1 - Basic Sending Point Option
Your organization is a Sending Point
Form (PDF)
ACH-02, S.2 Table S.2 - Service Provider Designation
Your organization is not a Sending Point but is an Originating Depository Financial Institution
Form (PDF)
ACH-02, S.3 Table S.3 - Sending Point Designation
Your organization is neither a Sending Point nor an Originating Depository Financial Institution
Form (PDF)
ACH-02, S.4 Table S.4 - Sending Point/Service Provider Contact Form
Individuals within your organization who are authorized to verify ACH file control information
Form (PDF)

Part 3A - Receipt Options

Number Form Links
ACH-Instructions Need help choosing a Receipt table? Instructions (PDF)
ACH-03A, R.1 Table R.1 - Receiving Point Options for Participating Institutions/Service Providers
Your institution is a Receiving Point.
Form (PDF)
ACH-03A, R.2 Table R.2 - Receiving Point File Sort Selections for Depository Institutions
This form was combined with ACH-03A R.1. Please utilize Table R.1 going forward.
ACH-03A, R.3 Table R.3 - Service Provider Designation for Participating Institutions
Your institution will use a single Receiving Point (other than itself) to receive all item types.
Form (PDF)
ACH-03A, R.4 Table R.4 - Participating Institution Item Type Receipt Sort Options
Your institution will use multiple Receiving Points to receive different item types.
Form (PDF)

Part 3B - Receipt Options

Number Form Links
ACH-Instructions Need help choosing a Receipt table? Instructions (PDF)
ACH-03B, R.5 Table R.5 - Basic Receipt Option for Non-Depository Institution Processors
This form was combined with ACH-03A R.1. Please utilize Table R.1 going forward.
ACH-03B, R.6 Table R.6 - Receiving Point File Sort Selections for Service Providers
This form was combined with ACH-03A, R.1. Please utilize Table R.1 going forward.
ACH-03B, R.7 Table R.7 - Receiving Point Designation
Your organization is not a Receiving Point and another entity will receive your unsorted files.
Form (PDF)
ACH-03B, R.8 Table R.8 - Service Provider File Sort Selections
Your organization is not a Receiving Point and another entity will receive your sorted files.
Form (PDF)

Part 4 - Sending Point and Receiving Point Contingency Information

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ACH-04 Part 4 - Sending Point and Receiving Point Contingency Information Form (PDF)

Part 5

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ACH-05A Part 5A - Advices Form (PDF)
ACH-05B Part 5B - Balance Report Form (PDF)
ACH-05D Part 5D - Information File Form (PDF)

Part 6A - FedGlobal ACH Payments

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ACH-06A, Sec A Section A - FedGlobal Service Request Form Form (PDF)
ACH-06A, Sec B Section B - F3X Service Request Form Form (PDF)

Part 6B - FedACH Risk Origination Monitoring Service

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ACH-06B Part 6B - FedACH Risk Origination Monitoring Service Form (PDF)

Part 6C - FedACH Risk RDFI Alert Service Request Form

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ACH-06C Part 6C - FedACH Risk RDFI Alert Service Request Form Form (PDF)

Part 6D - FedPayments Reporter

Number Form Links
ACH-06D, Sec A Section A - Service Request Form Form (PDF)
ACH-06D, Sec B Section B - Designation of Nonpayment File Delivery Channel and Connection (Reports via FedLine) Form (PDF)
ACH-06D, Sec C Section C - Designation of Nonpayment File Sending Connection (On-us Inclusion) Form (PDF)

Part 6E - Designation of Service Participation Point

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ACH-06E, Sec A Section A - Service Participation Point Owned by Your Institution Form (PDF)
ACH-06E, Sec B Section B - Third Party Service Participation Point Form (PDF)

Part 6F - Exception Resolution Service

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ACH-06F Part 6F – FedACH Exception Resolution Service Request Form Form (PDF)

Part 7 - Merger Options

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ACH-07 Part 7 - Merger Options Form Form (PDF)

Part 8 - ACH Security Procedure Agreement

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ACH-08 Part 8 - ACH Security Procedure Agreement Form (PDF)

FedACH Test Request Form

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FedACH Test Request
Financial institutions may want to test FedACH operations due to a new sending or receiving point, a platform change or for contingency purposes by scheduling to send/receive a data test file.

Exception Fax Forms

Number Form Links
ACH-09A ACH Return Item Exception Form Form (PDF)
ACH-09B ACH Return Item Exception Form for IAT Form (PDF)
ACH-09C Notification of Change (NOC) Item Exception Fax Form Form (PDF)
ACH-09D Notification of Change (NOC) Item Exception Fax Form for IAT Form (PDF)
ACH-09E Contested/Corrected Dishonored ACH Return Item Exception Fax Form Form (PDF)

FedACH Exception Case Request Form

Number Form Links
ACH-10 FedACH Exception Case Request
For use by Exception Resolution Service Offline Service Participants
Form (PDF)
