Authors : Bradley Reaves , Jasmine Bowers , Sigmund Albert Gorski III , Olabode Anise , + 10 , Rahul Bobhate , Raymond Cho , + 8 , Hiranava Das , Sharique Hussain , Hamza Karachiwala , Nolen Scaife , + 4 , Byron Wright , Kevin Butler , William Enck , Patrick Traynor (Less) Authors Info & Claims
Article No.: 55, Pages 1 - 30 Published : 21 October 2016 Publication History 51 citation 2,122 Downloads Total Citations 51 Total Downloads 2,122 Last 12 Months 187 Last 6 weeks 23 Get Citation AlertsThis alert has been successfully added and will be sent to: You will be notified whenever a record that you have chosen has been cited.
To manage your alert preferences, click on the button below. Manage my AlertsThe security research community has invested significant effort in improving the security of Android applications over the past half decade. This effort has addressed a wide range of problems and resulted in the creation of many tools for application analysis. In this article, we perform the first systematization of Android security research that analyzes applications, characterizing the work published in more than 17 top venues since 2010. We categorize each paper by the types of problems they solve, highlight areas that have received the most attention, and note whether tools were ever publicly released for each effort. Of the released tools, we then evaluate a representative sample to determine how well application developers can apply the results of our community’s efforts to improve their products. We find not only that significant work remains to be done in terms of research coverage but also that the tools suffer from significant issues ranging from lack of maintenance to the inability to produce functional output for applications with known vulnerabilities. We close by offering suggestions on how the community can more successfully move forward.
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Saurabh Chakradeo, Bradley Reaves, Patrick Traynor, and William Enck. 2013. MAST: Triage for market-scale mobile malware analysis. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec’13).
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