Lome iii trade agreement

In order to contribute towards achieving the aims of this Convention, the Contracting Parties shall deploy co-operation instruments that correspond to the principles of solidarity and mutual interest, adapted to the economic, cultural and social situation in the ACP States and in the Community and to developments in their international environment.

These instruments shall be directed mainly, by strengthening the established mechanisms and systems, at:

- increasing trade between the Parties;

- supporting the ACP States' efforts to achieve self-reliant development by stepping up their capacity to innovate and to adapt and transform technology;

- helping the ACP States to gain access to the capital markets and encouraging direct private European investment to contribute towards the development of the ACP States;

- remedying the instability of export earnings from the ACP States' agricultural commodities and helping those countries to cope with serious disruptions affecting their mining industries.

Article 17.

In order to promote and diversify trade between the Con- tracting Parties, the Community and the ACP States are agreed on:

- general trade provisions;

- special arrangements for Community import of certain ACP products;

- arrangements to promote the development of the ACP States' trade and services, including tourism;

- a system of reciprocal information and consultation designed to help apply the trade co-operation provisions of this Convention effectively.

Article 18.

The aim of the general trade arrangements, which are based on the Contracting Parties' international obligations, shall be to provide a firm and solid foundation for trade cooperation between the ACP States and the Community.

They shall be based on the principle of free access to the Community market for products originating in the ACP States, with special provisions for agricultural products and a safe- guard clause.

In view of the ACP States' present development needs, the arrangements shall not comprise any element of reciprocity for those States as regards free access.

They shall also be based on the principle of non-discrimination by the ACP States between the Member States and the according to the Community of treatment no less favourable than the most-favoured-nation treatment.

Article 19.

The Community shall contribute towards the ACP States' own development efforts by providing adequate financial resources and appropriate technical assistance aimed at stepping up those States' capacities for self-reliant and integrated economic, social and cultural development and also at helping to raise their population's standard of living and well-being.

Such contribution shall be made on predictable and regular bases. They shall be accorded on the most liberal terms possible for the Community. Particular account shall be taken of the situation of the least-developed ACP States.

Article 20.

The Contracting Parties agree to facilitate greater, more stable flows of resources from the private sector to the ACP States by taking measures to improve the access of ACP States to capital markets and to encourage European private investment in ACP States.

The Contracting Parties underline the need to provide equitable and stable conditions for the treatment of such investment.

Article 21.

Given the extreme dependence of the economies of the vast majority of ACP States on their exports of agricultural commodities, the Contracting Parties agree to pay particular attention to their co-operation in this sector with a view to supporting ACP government policies or strategies designed to restore and improve production and marketing conditions and local processing.

The Contracting Parties also agree to confirm the importance of the system for the stabilization of export earnings, as well as of intensifying the process of consultation between the ACP States and the Community in international forums and organizations which aim to stabilize agricultural commodity markets.

Given the role played by the mining industry in the development efforts of numerous ACP States and the ACP-EEC mutual dependence in that sector, the Contracting Parties confirm the importance of the system established to help ACP States confronted with serious disruptions in that sector to restore it to a viable state and remedy the consequences of such disruptions for their development.

Chapter 4. Institutions

Article 22.

The institutions of this Convention shall be the Council of Ministers, the Committee of Ambassadors and the Joint Assembly.

Article 23.

1. The Council of Ministers shall be composed, on the one hand, of the members of the Council of the European Communities and of members of the Commission of the European Communities and, on the other hand, of a member of the government of each of the ACP States.

2. The functions of the Council of Ministers shall be to:

(a) establish the broad lines of the work to be undertaken in the context of the application of this Convention, notably in helping to solve problems fundamental to the joint and several development of the Contracting Parties;

(b) take any political decision for the attainment of the objectives of this Convention;

(c) take decisions in the specific areas provided for in this Convention;

(d) ensure efficient performance of the consultation mechanisms provided for in this Convention;

(e) deal with problems of interpretation of this Convention;

(f) settle procedural questions and arrangements for the imple- mentation of this Convention;

(g) examine, at the request of one of the Contracting Parties, any question directly liable to hinder or promote the effective and efficient implementation of this Convention or any other issue likely to obstruct attainment of its objectives;

(h) take all necessary measures to establish ongoing contacts between the economic and social sectors in the Community and in the ACP States and to arrange regular consultations with their representatives on matters of mutual interest, given the importance, acknowledged by the Contracting Parties, of establishing an effective dialogue between these sectors and of securing their contribution to the co-operation and development effort.

Article 24.

1. The Committee of Ambassadors shall be composed, on the one hand, of each Member State's Permanent Representative to the European Communities and one representative of the Commission and, on the other, of the head of each ACP State's mission to the European Communities.

2. The Committee of Ambassadors shall assist the Council of Ministers in the performance of its functions and shall carry out any brief given to it by the Council.

It shall monitor implementation of this Convention and pro- gress towards achieving the objectives set therein.

Article 25.

1. The Joint Assembly shall be composed of equal numbers of, on the one hand, members of the European Parliament on the Community side and of, on the other, members of parliament or, failing this, of representatives designated by the ACP States.

2. (a) The Joint Assembly shall be a consultative body, which shall seek, through dialogue, debate and concerted action, to:

- promote better understanding between the peoples of the Member States and the ACP States;

- promote public awareness of the interdependence of the peoples and of their interests as well as of the need for solidarity in development;

- reflect upon all matters pertaining to ACP-EEC co-operation, particularly the fundamental problems of development;

- encourage research and initiative, and formulate proposals with a view to improving and reinforcing ACP-EEC co-operation;

- urge the relevant authorities of the Contracting Parties to implement this Convention in the most efficient manner possible so as to ensure the full attainment of its objectives;

(b) The Joint Assembly shall organize regular contacts and consultations with representatives of economic and social sec- tors in the ACP States and in the Community in order to obtain their views on the attainment of the objectives of this Convention.

Part Two. The Areas of ACP-EEC Co-operation

Title I. Agricultural and Rural Development and Conservation of Natural Resources

Chapter 1. Agricultural Co-operation and Food Security

Article 26.

Co-operation in the agricultural and rural sector, that is arable farming, livestock production, fisheries and forestry, shall be aimed, inter alia, at:

- supporting that ACP States' efforts to increase their degree of self-sufficiency in food, in particular by strengthening the capacity of the ACP States to provide their population with sufficient food and ensure a satisfactory level of nutrition;

- reinforcing food security at national, regional and inter-regional level;

- guaranteeing the rural population incomes that will significantly improve their standard of living;

- promoting the active participation of the rural population in their own development by organizing small farmers into associations and integrating them more effectively into national and international economic activity;

- creating satisfactory living conditions and a satisfactory life style in the rural environment, notably by developing social and cultural activities;

- improving rural productivity, notably by transfers of appropriate technology and the rational exploitation of plant and animal resources;

- reducing post-harvest losses;

- diversifying job-creating rural activities and expanding activities that back up production;

- improving production by on-the-spot processing of the products of agriculture, including livestock farming, and fisheries and forestry;

- ensuring a balance between food crops and export crops;

- developing agricultural research tailored to the natural and human environment of the country and the region and meeting extension service needs;

- in the context of the above objective, protecting the natural environment, particularly through specific operations to control drought and desertification.

Article 27.

1. Operations to attain the objectives referred to in Article 26 shall be as varied and practical as possible, at national, regional and inter-regional level.

2. They shall, furthermore, be designed and deployed to implement the policies and strategies established by the ACP States and respect their priorities.

3. Support shall be provided for such policies and strategies in the context of agricultural co-operation in accordance with the provisions of this Convention.

Article 28.

1. Development of production calls for increased animal and crop production and involves:

- improving farming methods for rain-fed crops while conserving soil fertility;

- developing irrigated crops, inter alia through different types of agricultural water schemes (village water engineering, regulation of watercourses and soil improvement) ensuring optimum use and thrifty management of water which can be mastered by farmers and by local communities; operations shall also consist in the rehabilitation of existing schemes;

- improving and modernizing cultivation techniques and making better use of factors of production (improved varieties and breeds, agricultural equipment, fertilizers, plant treatment preparations);

- in the sphere of livestock farming, improving animal feed (more effective management of pasture, increased fodder production, more new water-points and repair of existing ones) and health, including the development of the infrastructure required for that purpose;

- better integration of arable and livestock farming:

- in the sphere of fisheries, modernizing fish-farming and developing aquaculture.

2. Other prerequisites for the development of production are:

- the extension of secondary and tertiary back-up activities for agriculture, such as the manufacture, modernization and promotion of agricultural and rural equipment and other in- puts and, where necessary, their importation;

- the establishment or consolidation of agricultural credit facilities adapted to local conditions in order to promote access to production factors for farmers;

- the encouragement of all those policies and incentives for producers which are appropriate to local conditions with a view to greater productivity and to improving farmers' incomes.

Article 29.

In order to ensure a return on output, agricultural co-operation shall contribute to:

- adequate means of preservation and suitable storage facilities for producers;

- effective control of disease, pests and other factors causing production losses;

- basic marketing arrangements underpinned by suitable organization of producers, with the necessary material and finan- cial resources, and by adequate means of communication;

- flexible operation of marketing channels, taking account of every form of public or private initiative, to enable local markets, areas of the country with shortfalls and urban markets to be supplied, in order to cut down dependence on outside sources;

- facilities to prevent breaks in supplies (security storage) and guard against erratic price fluctuations (intervention storage);

- processing, packaging and marketing of products, particularly by developing artisanal and agro-industrial units, in order to adapt them to the trend of the market.

Article 30.

Rural promotion measures shall involve:

- the organization of producers within associations or communities in order to enable them to derive more benefit from joint contracts and investment and jointly owned equipment;

- the development of social and cultural activities (such as health, education and culture) essential for improving rural life styles;

- suitable extension services to train farmers;

- improving the training of instructors at all levels.

Article 31.

Co-operation in agricultural research shall contribute:

- to the development, in the ACP States, of domestic and regional research capacities suited to the local natural, social and economic conditions of crop and animal production, with special attention being paid to arid and semi-arid regions;

- in particular, to improving varieties and breeds, the nutritional quality of products and their packaging, and developing technology and processes accessible to the producers;

- to better dissemination of the results of research undertaken in an ACP or non-ACP State and applicable in other ACP States;

- to extension work in order to inform the greatest possible number of users of the results of such research,

Article 32.

Agricultural co-operation schemes shall be carried out in accordance with the detailed provisions and procedures laid down for financial and technical co-operation and in this context they may also cover the following:

1) under the heading of technical co-operation:

- exchange of information between the Community and the ACP States and among the ACP States themselves (on, for example, water use, intensive production techniques and the results of research);

- exchange of experience between professionals working in such areas as credit and savings, co-operatives, mutual insurance, artisanal activities and small-scale industry in rural areas;

2) under the heading of financial co-operation:

- supply of factors of production;

- support for market regulation bodies, on the basis of a co-ordinated approach to production and marketing problems;

- participation in the constitution of funds for agricultural credit facilities;

- opening of credit lines for trade organizations representing farmers, artisans and small-scale industrial operators in rural areas, geared to their activities (such as supplies, primary marketing and storage), and also for associations implementing the campaigns on specific themes;

- support for measures to combine industrial and trade skills in the ACP States and the Community within artisanal or industrial units, for the manufacture of inputs and equipment and for such purposes as maintenance, packaging, storage, transport and processing of products.

Article 33.

1. Community measures aimed at food security in the ACP States shall be conducted in the context of the food strategies or policies of the ACP States concerned and of the development objectives which they lay down.

They shall be implemented, in co-ordination with the instru- ments of the Convention, in the framework of Community policies and the measures resulting therefrom with due regard for the Community's international commitments.

2. In this context, multiannual indicative programming may be carried out with the ACP States which so wish, so that their food supplies can be better forecast.

Article 34.

1. With regard to available agricultural products, the Community undertakes to ensure that export refunds can be fixed further in advance for all ACP States in respect of a range of products drawn up in the light of the food requirements expressed by those States.

Advance fixing shall be for one year and shall be applied each year throughout the life of this Convention, it being understood that the level of the refund will be determined in accordance with the methods normally followed by the Commission.

2. Specific agreements may be concluded with those ACP States which so request in the context of their food security policies.

Article 35.

1. Food aid operations shall be decided on the basis of the rules and criteria adopted by the Community for all recipients of this type of aid.

Subject to those rules and to the Community's freedom of decision in this matter, food aid operations shall be governed by the following guidelines:

(a) except in urgent cases, Community food aid, which shall be a transitional measure, must be integrated with the ACP States' development policies. This calls for consistency be- tween food aid and other co-operation measures;

(b) where products supplied as food aid are sold, they must be sold at a price which will not disrupt the domestic market. The resulting counterpart funds shall be used to finance the execution or running of projects or programmes with a major rural development component;

(c) where the products supplied are distributed free of charge, they must form part of nutrition programmes aimed in particular at vulnerable sections of the population or be delivered as remuneration for work;

(d) food aid operations that form part of development projects or programmes or nutrition programmes may be planned on a multiannual basis;

(e) as a matter of priority, the products supplied must meet the needs of the recipients. In the selection of such products, account should be taken in particular of the ratio of cost to specific nutritive value and of the effect the choice might have on consumer habits;

(f) where in a recipient ACP State, the trend of the food situation is such as to make it desirable for food aid to be replaced in whole or in part by operations designed to consolidate the current trend, alternative operations may be implemented in the form of financial and technical assistance, in accordance with the relevant Community rules. These operations shall be decided upon at the request of the ACP State concerned.

Article 36.

In implementing this Chapter, special attention shall be paid, at the request of the countries concerned, to:

- the specific difficulties of the least-developed ACP States in carrying out the policies or strategies they have established to strengthen their food self-sufficiency and security. In this context, co-operation shall bear in particular on the productive sectors (including the supply of inputs), transport, marketing, packaging and the setting-up of storage infrastructure,

- establishing a security stock system in landlocked States in order to avoid the risk of breaks in supply;

- diversifying agricultural commodities production and im- proving food security in the island States.

Article 37.

1. The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Co-operation shall be at the disposal of the ACP States in order to provide them with better access to information, research, training and innovations in the spheres of agricultural and rural development and extension. Within the framework of its responsibilities it shall operate in close co-operation with the institutions and bodies referred to in this Convention.

2. The tasks of the Centre shall be to:

(a) ensure, where so requested by the ACP States, the dissemination of scientific and technical information on methods and means of encouraging agricultural production and rural development (including the planning of agricultural and rural development and the preparation, implementation and evaluation of agricultural and rural development operations);

(b) refer the ACP States' requests for information to the bodies qualified to deal with them, or deal direct with such requests;

(c) provide ACP national and regional documentation centres and research institutes with easier access to scientific and technical publications dealing with agricultural and rural development issues and to data banks in the Community and the ACP States;

(d) in general, help the ACP States to gain easier access to the results of work carried out by the national, regional and international bodies, more especially those qualified in the technical aspects of agricultural and rural development, based in the Community and in the ACP States, and maintain contact with those bodies;

(e) foster the exchange of information between those engaged in agricultural and rural development on the results of field work carried out in the context of agricultural and rural development operations;

Third Lomé Convention (1984) Signed date 08 / Dec / 1984 Date into force 01 / May / 1986 Date of termination 28 / Feb / 1990 Treaty type Other International Investment Agreements Origin language Party ISO codes Relationship with other documents
Type Agreements Date of signature Date of entry in force
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Burkina Faso BIT (2001) 18 / May / 2001 13 / Jan / 2004
IT_OVERLAP Italy - Somalia Treaty of Friendship (1960) 01 / Jul / 1960
IT_OVERLAP Netherlands - Senegal BIT (1979) 03 / Aug / 1979 05 / May / 1981
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Botswana BIT (2006) 07 / Jun / 2006
IT_OVERLAP Germany - United Republic of Tanzania BIT (1965) 30 / Jan / 1965 12 / Jul / 1968
IT_OVERLAP Italy - United Republic of Tanzania BIT (2001) 21 / Aug / 2001 25 / Apr / 2003
IT_OVERLAP Congo - Germany BIT (1965) 13 / Sep / 1965 14 / Oct / 1967
IT_OVERLAP East African Community Treaty (1999) 30 / Nov / 1999 07 / Jul / 2000
IT_OVERLAP France - Trinidad and Tobago BIT (1993) 28 / Oct / 1993 16 / May / 1996
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Moldova, Republic of BIT (1996) 21 / May / 1996 20 / Apr / 2002
IT_OVERLAP Greece - South Africa BIT (1998) 19 / Nov / 1998 06 / Sep / 2001
IT_OVERLAP Cuba - Romania BIT (1996) 26 / Jan / 1996 22 / May / 1997
IT_OVERLAP Angola - Portugal BIT (2008) 22 / Feb / 2008 24 / Apr / 2020
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Peru BIT (2005) 12 / Oct / 2005 12 / Sep / 2008
IT_OVERLAP Czech Republic - Zimbabwe BIT (1999) 13 / Sep / 1999
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Cyprus BIT (1991) 26 / Feb / 1991 05 / Jun / 1999
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Benin BIT (2001) 18 / May / 2001 30 / Aug / 2007
IT_OVERLAP EU - Angola Sustainable Investment Facilitation Agreement (2023) 17 / Nov / 2023 01 / Sep / 2024
IT_OVERLAP Germany - Somalia BIT (1981) 27 / Nov / 1981 15 / Feb / 1985
IT_OVERLAP Cuba - Slovakia BIT (1997) 22 / Mar / 1997 05 / Dec / 1997
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Mauritania BIT (1983) 23 / Nov / 1983
IT_OVERLAP Cape Verde - Italy BIT (1997) 12 / Jun / 1997
IT_OVERLAP Sweden - Zimbabwe BIT (1997) 06 / Oct / 1997
IT_OVERLAP Bulgaria - Cuba BIT (1998) 16 / Dec / 1998 24 / May / 2000
IT_OVERLAP Gambia - Netherlands BIT (2002) 25 / Sep / 2002 01 / Apr / 2007
IT_OVERLAP Ethiopia - Germany BIT (1964) 21 / Apr / 1964
IT_OVERLAP CARIFORUM - EC EPA (2008) 15 / Oct / 2008 01 / Jan / 2009
IT_OVERLAP Côte d'Ivoire - Italy BIT (1969) 23 / Jul / 1969
IT_OVERLAP Belarus - BLEU BIT (2002) 09 / Apr / 2002
IT_OVERLAP Czech Republic - South Africa BIT (1998) 14 / Dec / 1998
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Malaysia BIT (1979) 22 / Nov / 1979 08 / Feb / 1982
IT_OVERLAP Eritrea - Netherlands BIT (2003) 02 / Dec / 2003
IT_OVERLAP Cuba - Portugal BIT (1998) 08 / Jul / 1998 18 / Jun / 1999
IT_OVERLAP Eswatini - Germany BIT (1990) 05 / Apr / 1990 07 / Aug / 1995
IT_OVERLAP Austria - Cape Verde BIT (1991) 03 / Sep / 1991 01 / Apr / 1993
IT_OVERLAP Gabon - Romania BIT (1979) 11 / Apr / 1979 18 / Sep / 1982
IT_OVERLAP Germany - Haiti BIT (1973) 14 / Aug / 1973 01 / Dec / 1975
IT_OVERLAP Germany - Mauritius BIT (1971) 25 / May / 1971 27 / Aug / 1973
IT_OVERLAP Equatorial Guinea - France BIT (1982) 03 / Mar / 1982 23 / Sep / 1983
IT_OVERLAP Gabon - Germany BIT (1969) 16 / May / 1969 29 / Mar / 1971
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Singapore BIT (1978) 17 / Nov / 1978 27 / Nov / 1980
IT_OVERLAP Nigeria - Sweden BIT (2002) 18 / Apr / 2002 01 / Dec / 2006
IT_OVERLAP Italy - Zimbabwe BIT (1999) 16 / Apr / 1999
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Zambia BIT (2001) 18 / May / 2001
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Madagascar BIT (2005) 29 / Sep / 2005 29 / Nov / 2008
IT_OVERLAP Ghana - Italy BIT (1998) 25 / Jun / 1998
IT_OVERLAP Netherlands - Suriname BIT (2005) 31 / Mar / 2005 01 / Sep / 2006
IT_OVERLAP Albania - BLEU BIT (1999) 01 / Feb / 1999 18 / Oct / 2002
IT_OVERLAP EC - South Africa Cooperation Agreement (1999) 11 / Oct / 1999 01 / May / 2004
IT_OVERLAP CARIFORUM States - United Kingdom EPA (2019) 22 / Mar / 2019
IT_OVERLAP Germany - Zambia BIT (1966) 10 / Dec / 1966 25 / Aug / 1972
IT_OVERLAP Netherlands - Suriname FCN (1978) 27 / Nov / 1978 16 / Jan / 1979
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Tunisia BIT (1997) 08 / Jan / 1997 18 / Oct / 2002
IT_OVERLAP France - Zambia BIT (2002) 14 / Aug / 2002 03 / Mar / 2014
IT_OVERLAP Italy - Namibia BIT (2004) 09 / Jul / 2004 30 / May / 2006
IT_OVERLAP Cotonou Agreement (2000) 23 / Jun / 2000 01 / Apr / 2003
IT_OVERLAP First Yaoundé Convention (1963) 20 / Jul / 1963
IT_OVERLAP Belize - Netherlands BIT (2002) 20 / Sep / 2002 01 / Oct / 2004
IT_OVERLAP Ethiopia - France BIT (2003) 25 / Jun / 2003 07 / Aug / 2004
IT_OVERLAP Dominican Republic - France BIT (1999) 14 / Jan / 1999 23 / Jan / 2003
IT_OVERLAP Italy - Kenya BIT (1996) 16 / Sep / 1996 04 / Aug / 1999
IT_OVERLAP Germany - Jamaica BIT (1992) 24 / Sep / 1992 29 / May / 1996
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Kuwait BIT (2000) 28 / Sep / 2000 08 / Dec / 2003
IT_OVERLAP Chad - Germany BIT (1967) 11 / Apr / 1967 23 / Nov / 1968
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Côte d'Ivoire BIT (1999) 01 / Apr / 1999 15 / Jun / 2016
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Yemen BIT (2000) 20 / Nov / 2000 31 / Dec / 2003
IT_OVERLAP Congo - Italy BIT (1994) 17 / Mar / 1994 10 / Jan / 2003
IT_OVERLAP Kenya - Netherlands BIT (1970) 11 / Sep / 1970 11 / Jun / 1979
IT_OVERLAP Germany - Mozambique BIT (2002) 06 / Mar / 2002 15 / Sep / 2007
IT_OVERLAP Cape Verde - Germany BIT (1990) 18 / Jan / 1990 15 / Dec / 1993
IT_OVERLAP Gabon - Spain BIT (1995) 02 / Mar / 1995 12 / Dec / 2001
IT_OVERLAP Romania - Senegal BIT (1980) 19 / Jun / 1980 20 / May / 1984
IT_OVERLAP Guinea - Italy BIT (1964) 20 / Feb / 1964 20 / Feb / 1964
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Pakistan BIT (1998) 23 / Apr / 1998 07 / Aug / 2015
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Tajikistan BIT (2009) 12 / Feb / 2009
IT_OVERLAP South African Development Community (SADC) Model BIT (2012)
IT_OVERLAP Portugal - Sao Tome and Principe BIT (1995) 12 / May / 1995
IT_OVERLAP Unified Agreement for the Investment of Arab Capital in the Arab States (1980) 26 / Nov / 1980 07 / Sep / 1981
IT_OVERLAP France - Mauritius BIT (1973) 22 / Mar / 1973 01 / Mar / 1974
IT_OVERLAP South Pacific Regional Trade and Economic Co-operation Agreement (SPARTECA) 14 / Jul / 1980 01 / Jan / 1981
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Latvia BIT (1996) 27 / Mar / 1996 04 / Apr / 1999
IT_OVERLAP France - Namibia BIT (1998) 25 / Jun / 1998 26 / Feb / 2006
IT_OVERLAP Germany - Ghana BIT (1995) 24 / Feb / 1995 23 / Nov / 1998
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Congo, Democratic Republic of the BIT (2005) 17 / Feb / 2005
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Chile BIT (1992) 15 / Jul / 1992 05 / Aug / 1999
IT_OVERLAP Fourth Lomé Convention (1989) 15 / Dec / 1989 01 / Mar / 1990
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Panama BIT (2009) 26 / Mar / 2009
IT_OVERLAP Mauritius - Portugal BIT (1997) 12 / Dec / 1997 03 / Jan / 1999
IT_OVERLAP Cuba - Netherlands BIT (1999) 02 / Nov / 1999 01 / Nov / 2001
IT_OVERLAP Netherlands - United Republic of Tanzania BIT (2001) 31 / Jul / 2001 01 / Apr / 2004
IT_OVERLAP Germany - Mali BIT (1977) 28 / Jun / 1977 16 / May / 1980
IT_OVERLAP Ethiopia - Sweden BIT (2004) 10 / Dec / 2004 01 / Oct / 2005
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Cameroon BIT (1980) 27 / Mar / 1980 01 / Nov / 1981
IT_OVERLAP Croatia - Zimbabwe BIT (2000) 18 / Feb / 2000
IT_OVERLAP Bulgaria - Sudan BIT (2002) 03 / Apr / 2002
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Togo BIT (2009) 06 / Jun / 2009
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Mozambique BIT (2006) 18 / Jul / 2006 01 / Sep / 2009
IT_OVERLAP Germany - Niger BIT (1964) 29 / Oct / 1964 10 / Jan / 1966
IT_OVERLAP Cuba - Hungary BIT (1999) 22 / Oct / 1999 24 / Nov / 2003
IT_OVERLAP Namibia - Spain BIT (2003) 21 / Feb / 2003 28 / Jun / 2004
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Uruguay BIT (1991) 04 / Nov / 1991 23 / Apr / 1999
IT_OVERLAP Cape Verde - Hungary BIT (2019) 28 / Mar / 2019
IT_OVERLAP Portugal - Timor - Leste BIT (2002) 20 / May / 2002 07 / Apr / 2004
IT_OVERLAP Congo - Spain BIT (2008) 18 / Dec / 2008
IT_OVERLAP OPEC Fund Model BIT (2001)
IT_OVERLAP Gabon - Italy BIT (1968) 18 / Nov / 1968
IT_OVERLAP Eritrea - Italy BIT (1996) 06 / Feb / 1996 14 / Jul / 2003
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Morocco BIT (1999) 13 / Apr / 1999 29 / May / 2002
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Rwanda BIT (1983) 02 / Nov / 1983 01 / Aug / 1985
IT_OVERLAP Congo, Democratic Republic of the - Germany BIT (1969) 18 / Mar / 1969 22 / Jul / 1971
IT_OVERLAP Ghana - Romania BIT (1989) 14 / Sep / 1989
IT_OVERLAP Germany - Madagascar BIT (1962) 21 / Sep / 1962 21 / Mar / 1966
IT_OVERLAP Denmark - Zimbabwe BIT (1996) 25 / Oct / 1996 07 / Feb / 1999
IT_OVERLAP Bulgaria - Ghana BIT (1989) 20 / Oct / 1989
IT_OVERLAP Denmark - Mozambique BIT (2002) 10 / Oct / 2002 30 / Dec / 2002
IT_OVERLAP Chad - Italy BIT (1969) 11 / Jun / 1969 11 / Jun / 1969
IT_OVERLAP Caricom Model BIT (1984)
IT_OVERLAP Investment Facilitation for Development (2024)
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Bulgaria BIT (1988) 25 / Oct / 1988 29 / May / 1991
IT_OVERLAP Mozambique - Sweden BIT (2001) 23 / Oct / 2001 01 / Nov / 2007
IT_OVERLAP Austria - Ethiopia BIT (2004) 12 / Nov / 2004 01 / Nov / 2005
IT_OVERLAP France - Kenya BIT (2007) 04 / Dec / 2007 26 / May / 2009
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Korea, Republic of BIT (1974) 20 / Dec / 1974 03 / Sep / 1976
IT_OVERLAP Mauritania - Spain BIT (2008) 24 / Jul / 2008 07 / Mar / 2016
IT_OVERLAP Côte d'Ivoire - Sweden Trade Agreement (1965) 27 / Aug / 1965 03 / Nov / 1966
IT_OVERLAP Germany - Trinidad and Tobago BIT (2006) 08 / Sep / 2006 17 / Apr / 2010
IT_OVERLAP Côte d'Ivoire - Netherlands BIT (1965) 26 / Apr / 1965 08 / Sep / 1966
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Sri Lanka BIT (1982) 05 / Apr / 1982 26 / Apr / 1984
IT_OVERLAP Finland - Nigeria BIT (2005) 22 / Jun / 2005 20 / Mar / 2007
IT_OVERLAP France - Sudan BIT (1978) 31 / Jul / 1978 05 / Jul / 1980
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - North Macedonia BIT (1999) 17 / Feb / 1999 04 / Nov / 2002
IT_OVERLAP Germany - Guyana BIT (1989) 06 / Dec / 1989 09 / Mar / 1994
IT_OVERLAP AFCFTA Protocol on Investment (2023)
IT_OVERLAP Belize - Italy BIT (2005) 23 / Nov / 2005
IT_OVERLAP Consolidated SADC Treaty (1992) 17 / Aug / 1992 30 / Sep / 1993
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Qatar BIT (2007) 06 / Nov / 2007 30 / Apr / 2014
IT_OVERLAP CARICOM Treaty (1973) 04 / Jul / 1973 01 / Aug / 1973
IT_OVERLAP Angola - Germany BIT (2003) 30 / Oct / 2003 01 / Mar / 2007
IT_OVERLAP France - Mali - Madagascar Multilateral Agreement (1960) 22 / Jun / 1960
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Egypt BIT (1999) 28 / Feb / 1999 24 / May / 2002
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Sudan BIT (2005) 07 / Nov / 2005
IT_OVERLAP EFTA - SACU FTA (2006) 26 / Jun / 2006 01 / May / 2008
IT_OVERLAP Italy - Jamaica BIT (1993) 29 / Sep / 1993 09 / Nov / 1995
IT_OVERLAP Azerbaijan - BLEU BIT (2004) 18 / May / 2004 27 / May / 2009
IT_OVERLAP Armenia - BLEU BIT (2001) 07 / Jun / 2001 19 / Dec / 2003
IT_OVERLAP Germany - Timor - Leste BIT (2005) 10 / Aug / 2005
IT_OVERLAP Germany - Papua New Guinea BIT (1980) 12 / Nov / 1980 03 / Nov / 1983
IT_OVERLAP Congo, Democratic Republic of the - Greece BIT (1991) 26 / Apr / 1991
IT_OVERLAP East African Community (EAC) Model Investment Treaty (2016)
IT_OVERLAP Germany - Kenya BIT (1964) 04 / Dec / 1964
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Morocco BIT (1965) 28 / Apr / 1965 18 / Oct / 1967
IT_OVERLAP Denmark - Ethiopia BIT (2001) 24 / Apr / 2001 21 / Aug / 2005
IT_OVERLAP ECOWAS Protocol on Movement of Persons and Establishment (1979) 29 / May / 1979 08 / Apr / 1980
IT_OVERLAP Kenya - Slovakia BIT (2011) 14 / Dec / 2011
IT_OVERLAP Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) Investment Agreement (1981) 05 / Jun / 1981 23 / Sep / 1986
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Romania BIT (1978) 08 / May / 1978 01 / May / 1980
IT_OVERLAP Ethiopia - Germany BIT (1964) 21 / Apr / 1964
IT_OVERLAP Jamaica - Spain BIT (2002) 13 / Mar / 2002 25 / Nov / 2002
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Oman BIT (2008) 16 / Dec / 2008
IT_OVERLAP Mauritius - Sweden BIT (2004) 23 / Feb / 2004 01 / Jun / 2005
IT_OVERLAP Mali - Netherlands BIT (2003) 13 / Jul / 2003 01 / Mar / 2005
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Gabon BIT (1998) 27 / May / 1998 28 / May / 2005
IT_OVERLAP France - Haiti BIT (1984) 23 / May / 1984 25 / Mar / 1985
IT_OVERLAP Côte d'Ivoire - EC EPA (2008) 26 / Nov / 2008
IT_OVERLAP Italy - Sudan BIT (2005) 19 / Nov / 2005
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Mongolia BIT (1992) 03 / Mar / 1992 15 / Apr / 2000
IT_OVERLAP Cuba - France BIT (1997) 25 / Apr / 1997 06 / Nov / 1999
IT_OVERLAP First Lomé Convention (1975) 28 / Feb / 1975 01 / Apr / 1976
IT_OVERLAP France - Mauritius BIT (2010) 08 / Mar / 2010
IT_OVERLAP Ethiopia - Spain BIT (2009) 17 / Mar / 2009
IT_OVERLAP Cameroon - Germany BIT (1962) 29 / Jun / 1962 21 / Nov / 1963
IT_OVERLAP Agreement on Investment and Free Movement of Arab Capital among Arab Countries (1970) 29 / Aug / 1970 29 / Aug / 1970
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Bolivia, Plurinational State of BIT (1990) 25 / Apr / 1990 10 / Jan / 2004
IT_OVERLAP Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas establishing the Caribbean Community (2001) 07 / May / 2001 04 / Feb / 2002
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - India BIT (1997) 31 / Oct / 1997 08 / Jan / 2001
IT_OVERLAP CARICOM - Dominican Republic FTA (1998) 22 / Aug / 1998 05 / Feb / 2002
IT_OVERLAP Burundi - Germany BIT (1984) 10 / Sep / 1984 09 / Dec / 1987
IT_OVERLAP Bangladesh - BLEU BIT (1981) 22 / May / 1981 15 / Sep / 1987
IT_OVERLAP Congo - Portugal BIT (2010) 04 / Jun / 2010
IT_OVERLAP Austria - Namibia BIT (2003) 27 / May / 2003 01 / Sep / 2008
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Croatia BIT (2001) 31 / Oct / 2001 29 / Dec / 2003
IT_OVERLAP France - Haiti BIT (1973) 02 / Jul / 1973
IT_OVERLAP SADC Investment Protocol (2006) 18 / Aug / 2006 16 / Apr / 2010
IT_OVERLAP Ethiopia - Germany BIT (2004) 19 / Jan / 2004 04 / May / 2006
IT_OVERLAP Malawi - Netherlands BIT (2003) 11 / Dec / 2003 01 / Nov / 2007
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Kazakhstan BIT (1998) 16 / Apr / 1998 06 / Feb / 2001
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - China BIT (1984) 04 / Jun / 1984 05 / Oct / 1986
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Thailand BIT (2002) 12 / Jun / 2002 19 / Sep / 2004
IT_OVERLAP Nigeria - Spain BIT (2002) 09 / Jul / 2002 19 / Jan / 2006
IT_OVERLAP Guinea-Bissau - Portugal BIT (1991) 24 / Jun / 1991 08 / Apr / 1996
IT_OVERLAP Italy - Niger Agreement for Economic and Technical Cooperation (1968) 05 / Jul / 1968 22 / Apr / 1969
IT_OVERLAP Ethiopia - Finland BIT (2006) 23 / Feb / 2006 03 / May / 2007
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Nicaragua BIT (2005) 27 / May / 2005
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Malta BIT (1987) 05 / Mar / 1987 15 / Jun / 1993
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Cuba BIT (1998) 19 / May / 1998
IT_OVERLAP Dominican Republic - Germany FCN (1959) 23 / Dec / 1957 03 / Jun / 1960
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - South Africa BIT (1998) 14 / Aug / 1998 14 / Mar / 2003
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Rwanda BIT (2007) 16 / Apr / 2007
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Slovenia BIT (1999) 01 / Feb / 1999 14 / Jan / 2002
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Comoros BIT (2001) 18 / May / 2001
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Kosovo BIT (2010) 09 / Mar / 2010
IT_OVERLAP Dominica - Germany BIT (1984) 01 / Oct / 1984 11 / May / 1986
IT_OVERLAP Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union (BLEU) Model BIT (2002)
IT_OVERLAP Central African Republic - Germany BIT (1965) 23 / Aug / 1965 21 / Jan / 1968
IT_OVERLAP ECOWAS Treaty (1975) 28 / May / 1975 20 / Jun / 1975
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - El Salvador BIT (1999) 12 / Oct / 1999 18 / Nov / 2002
IT_OVERLAP Germany - Rwanda BIT (1967) 18 / May / 1967 28 / Feb / 1969
IT_OVERLAP Burkina Faso - Germany BIT (1996) 22 / Oct / 1996 21 / Nov / 2009
IT_OVERLAP Sweden - United Republic of Tanzania BIT (1999) 01 / Sep / 1999 01 / Mar / 2002
IT_OVERLAP OECD Code of Liberalisation of Capital Movements (1961) 12 / Dec / 1961 12 / Dec / 1961
IT_OVERLAP Draft Pan-African Investment Code (2016)
IT_OVERLAP Germany - Mauritania BIT (1982) 08 / Dec / 1982 26 / Apr / 1986
IT_OVERLAP Cuba - Germany BIT (1996) 30 / Apr / 1996 22 / Nov / 1998
IT_OVERLAP Austria - Cuba BIT (2000) 19 / May / 2000 25 / Nov / 2001
IT_OVERLAP Algeria - BLEU BIT (1991) 24 / Apr / 1991 17 / Oct / 2002
IT_OVERLAP France - Nigeria BIT (1990) 27 / Feb / 1990 19 / Aug / 1991
IT_OVERLAP South Africa - Spain BIT (1998) 30 / Sep / 1998 23 / Dec / 1999
IT_OVERLAP EU - Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific (OACP) States Partnership Agreement (2023) 15 / Nov / 2023
IT_OVERLAP Economic Community of the Great Lakes Countries (ECGLC) Investment Code (1982) 31 / Jan / 1982 04 / Oct / 1987
IT_OVERLAP South Africa - Sweden BIT (1998) 25 / May / 1998 01 / Jan / 1999
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Costa Rica BIT (2002) 26 / Apr / 2002
IT_OVERLAP Botswana - Germany BIT (2000) 23 / May / 2000 06 / Aug / 2007
IT_OVERLAP Cameroon - Italy BIT (1999) 29 / Jun / 1999 04 / Jan / 2004
IT_OVERLAP Senegal - Spain BIT (2007) 22 / Nov / 2007 04 / Feb / 2011
IT_OVERLAP ECOWAS Common Investment Code (2018) 01 / Jul / 2018 22 / Dec / 2019
IT_OVERLAP Portugal - Senegal BIT (2011) 25 / Jan / 2011
IT_OVERLAP Second Lomé Convention (1979) 31 / Oct / 1979 23 / Dec / 1980
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Paraguay BIT (1992) 06 / Oct / 1992 09 / Jan / 2004
IT_OVERLAP Ethiopia - Italy BIT (1994) 23 / Dec / 1994 08 / May / 1997
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Ethiopia BIT (2003) 01 / Jul / 2003
IT_OVERLAP EU - Kenya Economic Partnership Agreement (2023) 18 / Dec / 2023
IT_OVERLAP Angola - France BIT (2008) 24 / Jun / 2008
IT_OVERLAP Cameroon - Romania BIT (1980) 30 / Aug / 1980 24 / Sep / 1981
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Libya BIT (2004) 15 / Feb / 2004 08 / Dec / 2007
IT_OVERLAP Second Yaoundé Convention (1969) 29 / Jul / 1969 01 / Jan / 1971
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Ethiopia BIT (2006) 26 / Oct / 2006
IT_OVERLAP Eastern and Southern Africa States (ESA) - United Kingdom EPA (2019) 31 / Jan / 2019
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Brazil BIT (1999) 06 / Jan / 1999
IT_OVERLAP Ethiopia - Italy Economic and Technical Cooperation Agreement (1963) 18 / Feb / 1963 02 / Sep / 1965
IT_OVERLAP Equatorial Guinea - Spain BIT (2003) 22 / Nov / 2003 11 / Aug / 2009
IT_OVERLAP Italy - Senegal BIT (2000) 13 / Oct / 2000 16 / Dec / 2008
IT_OVERLAP Eastern and Southern Africa States (ESA) - European Union EPA (2009) 29 / Aug / 2009 14 / May / 2012
IT_OVERLAP Romania - Sudan BIT (1978) 08 / Dec / 1978
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Hong Kong, China SAR BIT (1996) 07 / Oct / 1996 18 / Jun / 2001
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Georgia BIT (1993) 23 / Jun / 1993 03 / Jul / 1999
IT_OVERLAP Namibia - Netherlands BIT (2002) 26 / Nov / 2002 01 / Oct / 2004
IT_OVERLAP Finland - United Republic of Tanzania BIT (2001) 19 / Jun / 2001 30 / Oct / 2002
IT_OVERLAP Agreement For Economic Unity Among Arab League States (1957) 03 / Jun / 1957 30 / May / 1964
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Turkey BIT (1986) 27 / Aug / 1986 04 / May / 1990
IT_OVERLAP Benin - Germany BIT (1978) 29 / Jun / 1978 18 / Jul / 1985
IT_OVERLAP Netherlands - Tanzania Economic and Technical Cooperation Agreement (1970) 14 / Apr / 1970
IT_OVERLAP Cuba - Spain BIT (1994) 27 / May / 1994 09 / Jun / 1995
IT_OVERLAP Italy - Mauritania BIT (2003) 05 / Apr / 2003 09 / Dec / 2009
IT_OVERLAP Dominican Republic - Italy BIT (2006) 12 / Jun / 2006 18 / Jul / 2007
IT_OVERLAP Mozambique - Portugal BIT (1995) 01 / Sep / 1995 31 / Oct / 1998
IT_OVERLAP Croatia - Cuba BIT (2001) 16 / Feb / 2001
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Colombia BIT (2009) 04 / Feb / 2009
IT_OVERLAP Germany - Namibia BIT (1994) 21 / Jan / 1994 21 / Dec / 1997
IT_OVERLAP ECOWAS Protocol on Community Enterprises (1984) 23 / Nov / 1984 12 / May / 1989
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Guatemala BIT (2005) 14 / Apr / 2005 01 / Sep / 2007
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Montenegro BIT (2010) 16 / Feb / 2010
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Estonia BIT (1996) 24 / Jan / 1996 23 / Oct / 1999
IT_OVERLAP CARICOM - Cuba Cooperation Agreement 05 / Jul / 2000 01 / Jan / 2001
IT_OVERLAP Austria - Zimbabwe BIT (2000) 10 / Nov / 2000
IT_OVERLAP Dominican Republic - Spain BIT (1995) 16 / Mar / 1995 07 / Oct / 1996
IT_OVERLAP Gabon - Portugal BIT (2001) 17 / Dec / 2001 11 / Sep / 2013
IT_OVERLAP Spain - Trinidad and Tobago BIT (1999) 03 / Jul / 1999 17 / Sep / 2004
IT_OVERLAP Germany - Sudan BIT (1963) 07 / Feb / 1963 24 / Jan / 1967
IT_OVERLAP EU - Cameroon EPA (2009) 15 / Jan / 2009
IT_OVERLAP BLEU - Tunisia BIT (1964) 15 / Jul / 1964 09 / Mar / 1966